ESSER Information

ESSER Grants & Reopening Plans

Public Plan for ARP ESSER Spending

COVID-19 Safe Opening Plans

*The above linked plans will be updated every 6 months or sooner if needed.

What are the ESSER Grants?

The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund is a federal formula grant managed by the Vermont Agency of Education (AOE). Non-recurring, emergency aid subgrants are being allocated by the AOE to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) by formula based on Title I, Part A allocations. Funds are broken down into three parts: ESSER I, ESSER II, and ESSER III. These grants are considered one-time funds.

What is Title I Part A?

Title I, Part A is a Consolidated Federal Program with the purpose of providing all children a significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps. MMUUSD receives Title I funding each year.

What are the different grants and how much has been allocated for each?

Funding Source





Coronavirus Aid Relief Economic Security Act (CARE'S Act)



Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act 2021(CRRSA)



American Rescue Plan (ARP)

Meaningful Consultation

A major component of how MMUUSD will spend ESSER III funds will depend on the feedback received on plans built by the administrative team and feedback from MMUUSD families, including students from historically marginalized families, students on IEPs, and ELL learners. (See Google Form at the bottom of the page). The US Department of Education requires LEAs to complete Meaningful Consultation and provide evidence public input was incorporated into the plan and the plan must be approved at the state level and then shared with the public.

Fall 2021 Opening of School

Mount Mansfield Unified Union School District (MMUUSD) plans to follow the most recent, updated guidance coming from the Agency of Education and will continue to update this area of our website with information relevant to the opening of school for Fall of 2021. At this point in time, the most recent guidance available is titled Instructional Operations for Fall 2021. This guidance indicates it is likely we will no longer be in a state of emergency in the Fall of 2021 and that the State will return to the normal regulatory framework for operating schools.

Should we find ourselves back in a state of emergency caused by the pandemic, schools will utilize their Fall 2020 Plans along with any updated guidance from the Agency of Education to make decisions necessary to maintain instructional operations and a safe learning environment. AOE Instructional Operations Fall 2021 Guidance Document

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