Grade 2 Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop

Writing workshop encourages young writers to practice work that is similar to the work of professional authors. Students choose their own topics and stories to write and move through the writing process to “publish” multiple times throughout the year. Students study high quality published children’s literature and receive explicit instruction in writing strategies, as well as phonics and spelling, to navigate through the writing process. Working at their own pace, writers create different genres (narrative, informational, opinion) throughout the year. Students have time to write every day.

In writing workshop, students learn to communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the technological platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to their goals.

Second Grade Writing Workshop

Second grade writers learn to give reasons for their opinions, include important details in informational texts, and learn to elaborate in stories they write.

  • Lessons From the Masters: Second graders write many true stories and publish one story.
  • Lab Reports and Science Books: Second graders conduct science experiments and write about what they’ve learned.
  • Nonfiction Writing: Students write information chapter books about topics of their choice.
  • Writing About Reading: Second graders write their opinions about familiar texts they have read.
  • Poetry: In the poetry unit, second graders read and discuss a wide range of poetry, and write many poems of their own.

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