Grade 2 Math

We believe students make sense of mathematics when they learn in an environment that focuses on new concepts and builds on mathematics they have previously explored. Math class is about developing a problem solving mindset. Learning mathematics is understanding, making connections, applying knowledge, and communicating ideas.

  • Students learn best when the important mathematical ideas are embedded in engaging problems that they can explore, discuss, and reflect upon.
  • Students progress in both math content (skills & knowledge) and math practices (habits & communication) at different rates.
  • Students build flexible thinking by considering a variety of strategies as they move towards efficiency.
  • Depth is much more important than speed or quantity.
  • Everyone can learn math to the highest levels.
  • Asking questions and making mistakes are valuable tools in brain growth and learning.
  • Math education is important to all people, not because they will see the same problems in the real world, but because they will have developed a problem solving mindset.


Grade 2 Math is all about…becoming more efficient with adding and subtracting within 100.

Students build upon their understanding of tens and ones, by using efficient strategies for problem solving with addition and subtraction. Toward the end of the year, students explore equal groups, odd and even, and skip counting.

Benchmark Understandings at Grade 2

The essential building blocks for solid understanding of mathematical concepts

  • Fluently add and subtract within 100 by applying place value and properties of operations
  • Understand place value and powers of 10 to add and subtract within 1000
  • Measure and estimate lengths in standard units


  • Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication.
  • Work with time and money.
  • Automaticity of addition facts through 20



  • Look for everyday opportunities to have your student do mathematics.
  • Count money, calculate change
  • Quick recall of addition facts to 20
  • Dice and card games
  • Telling time to nearest 5 minutes
  • Use the language of time (half past, quarter till)
  • Read literature about math
  • Point out when and where you are using mathematics in your everyday life/career.
  • Play math games with your student.
  • Encourage your student to stick with it whenever a problem seems difficult. This will teach perseverance.
  • Praise your student when they make an effort and share in the excitement when they understand something for the first time.



  • What do you already know in this problem? What are you trying to find out?
  • What strategy are you thinking about using to solve the problem?
  • Would drawing a picture help? Make a table?
  • Does your answer make sense? Does it seem reasonable?

Additive Reasoning...From Concept to Fluency

Grade 1 Mathematics

  • Fluently add and subtract within 20 by applying properties of operations and the inverse relationship
  • Understand and apply place value to add and subtract within 100

Grade 2 Mathematics

  • Fluently add and subtract within 100 by applying place value and properties of operations
  • Understand place value and powers of 10 to add and subtract within 1000

Grade 3Mathematics

  • Fluently add and subtract multi-digit numbers by applying place value understanding and properties of operations
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