Kindergarten Reading Workshop

Reading Workshop

Across our district, our young readers participate in reading workshop, read-alouds, shared reading, explicit phonics instruction, small groups, guided reading, independent reading, and book clubs. Our goal is to create lifelong readers who are confident and independent. Students in all of our classrooms have access to a wide variety of choices of high quality children's literature and have the opportunity to read a wide range of topics, authors, and genres. During reading workshop, students are taught explicit strategies to apply to their independent reading.

As part of reading workshop, students curate a variety of resources using digital tools to gather and share information, and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Kindergarten Reading Workshop

Kindergarten is a time when young children fall in love with books and words. Our classroom libraries are brimming with a range of text types, topics, and styles. Kindergarteners will learn to read and discuss books that are accessible to even the most emergent of emergent readers. Concept books, board books, familiar storybooks, small copies of books made by the children, and all kinds of texts will be available to children.


We Are Readers: Kindergarteners explore books by storytelling to go along with pictures in familiar books, recognizing familiar signs and labels, and begin to recognize that print holds meaning.

  • Emergent Reading: Looking Closely at Familiar Tales: Kindergarteners storytell to go along with pictures in familiar books, dramatize favorite books, and use a variety of strategies to retell and talk about many stories.
  • Reading Super Powers: Kindergarteners begin to use beginning reading strategies to figure out unfamiliar words in predictable texts and pattern books.
  • Bigger Books, Bigger Reading Muscles:Kindergarteners begin to read conventionally, using print strategies in addition to the pictures, pattern, and predictable text.
  • Becoming Avid Readers: Kindergarteners use many strategies to solve unfamiliar words, and practice deeper comprehension and conversational skills to talk well about books.
  • Growing Expertise in Little Books:In this nonfiction reading unit, kindergarteners read predictable texts and pattern books that are nonfiction in nature, reading multiple books on the same topic to compare and contrast what they read.

Note that units will vary from classroom to classroom.

HELPING OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL At Home and Sustaining Reading

Popular kindergarten books: Caps for Sale, The Carrot Seed, Gingerbread Baby, Brand New Readers Series, Fairy Tales, Alphabet Books and Concept Books

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