Grade 5 Math

We believe students have mathematical ideas. Students are given the opportunity to learn in an environment that focuses on making sense of mathematics. Students build on the ideas they already have and learn about new mathematics they have never encountered. Math class is about learning, not performing.

  • Student learn best when the important mathematical ideas are embedded in engaging problems that they can explore, discuss, and reflect on the many ways to solve.

  • Students progress in both math content (skills & knowledge) and math practices (habits & communication).

  • Everyone can learn math to the highest levels.

  • Asking questions and making mistakes are valuable tools in brain growth and learning.

  • Depth is much more important than speed.

Math education is important to all people, not because they will see the same problems in the real world, but because they will have developed a problem solving mindset. Students are learning to think deeply about ideas and communicate that thinking to others.

Grade 5 Math is all about…generalizing what students have learned about operating with whole numbers (+,-,x,) and extending that knowledge to understand and operate with fractions and decimals.

Building their understanding of the place value system by working with decimals up to the hundredths place. Students will also add, subtract, and multiply fractions, including fractions with unlike denominators. They will continue to expand their geometry and measurement skills, learning the concept of volume and measuring the volume of a solid figure.

Benchmark Understandings at Grade 5

The essential building blocks for solid understanding of mathematical concepts

  • Fluently multiply and divide multi-digit numbers with a standard algorithm by applying place value understanding and properties of operations
  • Understand volume and relate volume to multiplication
  • Fluently add and subtract fractions using equivalent fractions and properties of operations
  • Multiply and divide fractions
  • Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals by applying place value understanding and properties of operations


  • Write and interpret numerical expressions.
  • Analyze patterns and relationships.
  • Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system.
  • Represent and interpret data.
  • Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
  • Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties.


  • Look for everyday opportunities to have your student do mathematics.
  • Point out where you are using mathematics in your everyday life
  • Play math games with your student.
  • Encourage your student to stick with it whenever a problem seems difficult.
  • This will help your student see that everyone can learn math.
  • Praise your student when he or she makes an effort and share in the excitement when he or she solves a problem or understands something for the first time.


  • What do you already know in this problem?
  • What are you trying to find out?
  • What strategy are you thinking about using to solve the problem? Would drawing a picture help? Make a table?Does your answer make sense? Does it seem reasonable?


Multiplicative Reasoning: from concept to fluency

Grade 4 Mathematics

  • Multiply and divide to solve multi-digit computation and story problems

Grade 5 Mathematics

  • Fluently multiply and divide multi-digit numbers with a standard algorithm by applying place value understanding and properties of operations
  • Understand volume; and relate volume to multiplication (geometry)

Grade 6 Mathematics

  • Extend understanding of area and volume to new settings (geometry)

Fractional Reasoning: from concept to fluency

Grade 4 Mathematics

  • Apply equivalence and understanding of unit fractions to compare and order fractions and decimals
  • Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions by applying place value understanding and properties of operations

Grade 5 Mathematics

  • Fluently add/subtract fractions using equivalent fractions and properties of operations
  • Multiply and divide fractions
  • Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals by applying place value understanding and properties of operations

Grade 6 Mathematics

  • Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide all fractions
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